is the third Thursday of Advent so KLÖCKLSINGER will be going from door
to door around Berchtesgaden singing KLÖCKLLIED. Known as KLETZEIN in
neighboring Rupertiwinkel.
A singing tradition that takes place on the first three Advent Thursdays.
there is a fourth Advent Thursday, there isn't this year as it is quite
short, there will be no Klöcklsinger seen anywhere...a legend warns the
Devil will join any singers who dare to travel that night.

this custom began in the 15th century, children from poor families were
rewarded with apples, nuts, pears, bacon, butter and bread, and this
way they had something to eat. While, in times of great poverty, there
were many groups of worshippers begging to be given a small reserve for
the winter,
People felt generous during Advent, so were more willing to give.
These days though singers usually receive candy or a little money, with the money donated to a good cause.
Like a quick impression? Just follow the link: Klöcklsingen im Berchtesgadener Land - Brauchtum in Bayern:
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